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September 1, 2020


Special Releases Special,
today Cragganmore

I have to say I still have the taste of that glorious old 48 yo from the Prima & Ultima series in my mouth. Other than that, let’s proceed, with first the latest Distiller’s Edition… Unless there is a 2020 out?

Cragganmore 2007/2019 ‘Distiller’s Edition’ (40%, OB, CggD-6571)

Cragganmore 2007/2019 ‘Distiller’s Edition’ (40%, OB, CggD-6571) Three stars
A ruby Port finish at 40% vol., what could go wrong? I have to say I’ve never quite understood how the coding was working here. Must be me. Colour: gold. Nose: light and dry indeed at first, pretty malty, with touches of raspberry jam coming out, perhaps, a little marmalade, Jaffa cakes, and echoes of old sweet red wines. I suppose that’s the Port. Mouth: starts rather okay, on chocolate and eau-de-vie, but tends to get dry and a little too leafy. There’s the trademark smokiness (wood) but it does get a little astringent, while there wouldn’t quite be enough oomph to keep the whole afloat. But let’s not exaggerate, it’s a pretty fine dram and at 45%, it would be very fine. Finish: short, a little too jammy for me, but I’m also finding cherries, while I adore cherries. Comments: the cherries saved it. Do you know the cherry jam they make in the Basque country?
SGP:651 - 80 points.

Cragganmore 20 yo 1999/2020 (55.8%, OB, Special Releases 2020)

Cragganmore 20 yo 1999/2020 (55.8%, OB, Special Releases 2020, refill casks and fresh-charred casks) Four stars
I think it is some kind of owl on the label. Colour: pale gold. Nose: firm, on tangerines, zests, melon liqueur, manzanilla tea (not wine) and a little grass. Whiffs of hand cream. Not hugely expressive this far, but I’m sure water will unlock it and unleash quite a few more fruits. With water: not quite, we’re rather towards sponge cake and biscuits.  And why not, nothing wrong with that! But I’m not finding too many idiosyncrasies, as they say in rap. Mouth (neat): thick and textured, sweet and yet tense and firm, rather on high-strength triple-sec at first, cereals, then something like beer sauce. Mead as well, chouchen (Breton honey spirit)… It’s really thick, oily, and potent. With water: even creamier, and rather all on cereals, Golden Grahams, barley and agave syrups, sweet beer… Finish: rather long and thick, and rather on peanut butter, more cakes, more cornflakes, golden syrup, marmalade… Comments: very very good, it’s just the most timid we’ve had so far. Big and yet gentle – remember that band, Gentle Giant? 
SGP:551 - 86 points.

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