Glen Flagler Single Malt Scotch Whisky tasting notes

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Copyright Serge Valentin
Angus MacRaild



Glen Flagler Single Malt Scotch Whisky tasting notes

The Whisky Tasting Indexes - Glen Flagler


Glen Flagler - aka Killyloch - Scotch Malt Whisky - Region: Lowlands
WF Distillery Ranking: Non Classé C (all current rankings here)

Status: silent since 1975 - Stills: - Founded: 1965
Address: Moffat distillery - Phone:
Web: - More info: Distillery Profile by MM’s Robert Karlsson - Malt Madness

My favourite expression so far:
Not worth mentionning
Glen Flagler

General Distillery Profile - keywords (wazzat?)
Coming soon...

MM Distillery profile:
The Glen Flagler and Killyloch 'distilleries' were not traditional buildings like Auchentoshan or Glenkinchie, but sets of stills within another distillery - in this case the Moffat grain whisky distillery. Built in 1965 by Inver House Distillers within the Moffat grain distillery complex, it was located closer .... More on Malt Madness.

Check all the 'winners' (90 points or more) on this wee list (PDF)

Whiskyfun tasting notes
OB - no vintage
  • Glen Flagler (40%, OB, ‘Gothic Label’ for Italy, 70’s) - 220505
  • Glen Flagler (70 Pr., OB, Black & red shield label, 1970's, 1 2/3 Fl. Oz.) - 210111
  • Glen Flagler ‘All Malt’ NAS (70 proof, OB, 1970s) - by Angus - 060620
  • Glen Flagler 5 yo (40%, OB, Ferraretto, +/-1975) - 161019
  • Glen Flagler 5 yo (40%, OB, half-gallon bottle, +/-1980) - 251116
OB - vintage
  • Glenflager 1973 OB - 200804
  • Glen Flagler 29 yo 1973/2003 (46%, OB, Inver House, 931 bottles) - 200511
  • GlenFlagler 23 yo 1970/1994 (50.1%, Signatory, Dumpy, casks #1260+7861, 350 bottles) - 280809
  • Glenflagler 23 yo 1972/1996 (51.3%, Signatory Vintage, cask #228442, 255 bottles) - 161219  - by Angus - 060620
  • Killyloch 22 yo 1972/1994 (52.6%, Signatory Vintage, sherry cask, cask #206413, 230 bottles) - 161219
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